You're the developer of a recently released, lightning-fast database, called speedeedeebee; people can't stop talking about it! Surprised by the spike in popularity, you've decided to start collecting traces from your application so you can analyze them in New Relic.
You first thought about using our Python agent, but before going through the efforts of setting that up, you heard about the "future of instrumentation", called OpenTelemetry, and you decided to reconsider.
OpenTelemetry is a standard for how to collect and send telemetry data to any backend observability platform. It's open source, flexible, and ubiquitous. Convinced that OpenTelemetry is indeed the future, you set off to use it in your application.
- Manually instrument a Python application with OpenTelemetry
- Analyze the telemetry data in New Relic
- A free New Relic account
1. Set up your lab environment
Spin up your database application and simulator
2. Instrument your application with OpenTelemetry
Manually instrument your application with the OpenTelemetry Python SDK
3. View your OpenTelemetry data in New Relic
View your OpenTelemetry data in New Relic
4. Send a custom span event
Update your code to send a custom span event